Monday, January 02, 2006

10:34 pm

You Call That Music ?!?!

A couple of friends commented on my eclectic musical taste recently. For the record, I prefer easy listening, slow, romantic, or moody/depressive songs. Some pop, but that tends to depend on the lyrics. Disney songs too (I don't watch the movies, but I listen to the soundtracks. Weird, eh?).

Anyway, what's wrong with my musical taste? Sure, it's unconventional, but hey, it's music, right? And it got me thinking - music for the young generation has always signified rebellion. Nowadays, however, it's accepted that teen music will be nothing like what older people would appreciate. Each genre of music is 'assigned' to a certain generation. Older folks expect you to listen to what they would call 'junk'. They don't appreciate it, but they expect it. In a strange way, you could say that I'm the rebel, for listening to music that isn't 'cool'. Not that thats the reason for my taste. I just like that kind of music. Simple.


People no longer make music nowadays. They make noise.
Ahaha. To an extent, very true. Of course, there is still some good music being produced... I'm just under peer pressure to stop listening to it.
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