Friday, December 30, 2005

1:02 pm

Microsoft Strikes Again

Microsoft's latest boo-boo - allowing viruses to spread in the form of image files which can be triggered merely by viewing. This is nasty. Fully patched computers with up-to-date antiviruses have NO protection against it. Depending on the code of a particular virus, it might do anything. Worse case, files start disappearing from your hard disk. For you fellow students, start backing up anything important concerning your studies.

Recommendations for staying safe - stop surfing for a few days, stick to large reputable sites. Don't go near forums. Somebody post one of those pics there, and you've had it. Turn off image viewing/download in your email and internet browser.

To *reduce* damage in case you get infected, do this now - Start Menu > Run > regsvr32 /u shimgvw.dll

This will turn off the previewer for images, and possibly reduce damage done if you somehow get hit. Good luck, and stay tuned, I'll keep this post updated.

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