Friday, December 30, 2005

12:31 am

Music To My Ears

I've read many articles over the years, discussing what effects loud music can have on our hearing, especially headphones and oversized speakers. Here's an interesting fact - sound measurement isn't linear. That is, 100 decibels isn't twice as loud as 50 dbs. Instead, it's exponential. Every 3 decibel increment is a 100% increase in sound volume. So when we start measuring sound around the 100db - 115db range, a small increase in the scale is a huge increase in actual volume. So much for all those times when I used to think "Ahh, what's the difference between 100db and 110db...", now I know just how much difference there is - lol.

So anyway, earlier tonight I had a dinner with some relatives, including a certain nice, cheerful baby. At least, that was my first impression of him. After dinner, we decided to meet up at my house. And the baby was following my mum. Thats when we discovered just how much the baby disliked vehicles. I mean, my aunt had warned us earlier that he disliked travelling, but we weren't prepared. The moment we stepped into the car -
And it lasted halfway across the island. Till we gave up and stopped at McD to give our ears a rest. Guess what, the moment the door opened, the noise stopped. Who said babies can't communicate verbally? This guy's a baby genius, he's figured out binary already. On. Off. On. Off. Ouch. My eardrums.

And when we figured out we had no choice but hurry back to my place, I tried turning on the radio, thinking maybe to drown him out a little. Waddaya know, the lil fellow quieted up instantly. And nodded away to the music all the way home. Being curious, I tried an experiment, and turned off the radio -
Turn it on again. And he goes off. Ahhh. Thank you Hitz FM. Music to my ears.

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