Saturday, June 03, 2006

5:27 pm

An Unusual Lunch

I was having lunch at a food court today, when I noticed this old guy at a nearby table. Quite a familiar face, he's a person of habit. During my first year, I saw him at Hungry Jacks every night that I was there. Same time every night and, if available, same table. 2nd year I stopped having dinner regularly at HJ, but I still saw him now and then. Lunchtimes he'll be at aforementioned food court.

So, I just finished my lunch, when I noticed him behaving rather strangely. He appeared to be trying to stand up, but the table was shaking - most of his weight was on it. He finally got up from his chair, but sat back down before he was fully upright. Alright, he really doesn't look good, I go over and ask him if he's all right. At this point he collapses onto the floor. Luckily I grab him before he whacks his head on something. Yell at my friends to call the ambulance. My friend gives me a blank look -_-". Couple of other people come over to help. Security comes over, makes some joke about it being her week for picking up guys, because somebody else collapsed there just the day before.

Anyway, the guy keeps telling us he doesn't need an ambulance, and he lives at.. somewhere. He's been sick the last few days, but needs to do some shopping. Some other security guys arrive, and I'm feeling out of place, not to mention my friends are bugging me that it's time to leave. Very well, the security should know what to do better than me. They get paid for it, after all. On the street outside, an ambulance passes us. Guess somebody did heed my request to call an ambulance.

Well, my best wishes to the old man. I do wonder why he asked not to call an ambulance, however. Simple stubbornness, the refusal to admit we need a doctor, which most of us have probably experienced, or was he thinking of the financial costs? (Ambulances in Australia are not cheap, they cost the patient several hundred dollars.) I don't know his reason, but I have to wonder if it's right that a sick person, who might require an ambulance, has to consider the financial implications of obtaining immediate help.
