Wednesday, January 04, 2006

12:57 am

Malaysian vs Australian Hygiene

It is my sad conclusion that we get what we pay for. Specifically, seeing as how Malaysian food costs less, and tastes better, the trade-off is apparently portion sizes and hygiene. Or maybe it's the 'extra stuff' in the food that gives it its great Malaysian taste.

Well.. when I first got back, I was appalled at how tiny the plate of Char Koay Teow I had ordered was. Sigh. The size of an entire meal in Malaysia was equal to the size of my appetizers back in Australia. Oh well, it'll help me lose weight, right?

Something else that wasn't so apparent at first - Malaysian hygiene (or lack of it). Before going to Australia, I rarely got hit by stomach troubles. Since coming back, every few days, I end up stuck on the throne. Grr... and it's not just the food, me and many of my friends are getting allergies that we never had before studying in Aus. Sheesh. On the other hand, taste wins out over hygiene any day. Malaysia boleh!

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