1:07 am
Fatty Fatty Bom Bom
Who among us hasn't heard that ol' phrase? Now available for use in reference to yours truly. Yes, I'm fat.         F.   A.   T.           FAT.
And just how did I come to this stunning conclusion? I went CNY shopping. See, another addition to my list of reasons to hate clothes shopping. It makes you confront things about your body that you'd much rather conveniently ignore. Like the roll of flab where my belly button used to be (It might still be in there, buried somewhere under all that you-know-what). Sigh. Depressing. I told my parents, forget it. No new clothes for me till I slim down. So... crash diet and exercise regime time. No more lunches, no more snacking, no more mamak. I have 2 weeks to get down to an acceptable body size. I don't know my weight, and I don't care. My waist size, I know because I was trying on non-fitting jeans earlier. 32-33. How do I define acceptable? Let me put it this way - If I can pinch anything on my stomach besides my clothes, I'm fat.
So... my exercise regimen started this evening, and went pretty badly. I struggled to complete stuff that I would have breezed through a couple of years earlier. Sigh. Well... no point continuing on this topic. Will report back in a week or so on my progress. If I fail, I promise free ice-cream to whoever reads this post and cares to claim it from me. Valid till CNY is over. Deliberately sabotaging my efforts will disqualify the offer.