Tuesday, April 25, 2006

3:49 pm

I Have A Dream

Have you ever had one of those dreams where you are at peace, with the world and yourself, content in every way, with everything you truly want (and I don't mean money). Then all of a sudden, *poof* and you're awake its gone. Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Zero.

It's especially bad if you're like me, prone to lazing in bed after just awakening. During that time, the line between fantasy and reality blurs. You're lying there, perfectly content, treasuring that perfect moment. Then suddenly, self awareness returns, and you realise it wasn't real.

Alas, that I've had such a dream last night, one which dredged up the past, a past I thought behind me. A past I thought I was at peace with, till the feelings evoked by my dream resurfaced.

Thankfully, dreams fade fast. By tonight, chances are I'll have forgotten my dream and all related feelings. Save a general feeling of depression, perhaps. Well, the price we pay for those wonderful few moments of dreams, I suppose.


yep, shut away from the cold, cruel uncaring world =D
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