Tuesday, February 14, 2006

2:48 am


Hmm, my blog is growing mouldy (or so Lyn claims). Apologies, with CNY and preparations for going back to Aus, I've been kinda busy. Ok, not really that busy, since it's my mum who packs my bags for me. Lol. I can hear my sis laughing now. Anyway, I'm just about out of fresh ideas for stuff to blog about, which is the main reason I've been so quiet here.

What exactly are females trying to accomplish? I can't for the life of me figure them out. On one hand, they want us to treat them as equals. On the other, they have romantic dreams of a knight-in-shining-armour coming to sweep them of their feet. When the gals themselves can't make up their mind how they want to be treated, god have mercy on us poor guys who have yet to figure out the way they think (I'm operating on the unproven assumption that they do think (Sometimes I have reason to doubt that)).

Well, until they decide, I'm going to treat them the way I always have - as the weaker (aka less mentally/physically capable) gender. *Grin*

*Starts looking for a place to hide when the gals find this post*


You are talking about two different things. i don't see how one argument supports the other. Another mistake is to generalize your claim. Have you met all the women in the world to concretely conclude that women fantasize abt knight in shining armour?
Ha, another flaw in your argument. Sure you can see females as weaker physically. They by nature are so. But in other sense...well... let's put it this way. Your mother packed your bag for you. I wonder who's incapable here. I remember my dear friend Lyn left for Oz on her own, while *someone* was accompanied by his mom. Weaker? Hmmmmm...
Ha, another flaw..but I'm gonna spare you this time, lest people think I am feminist. I am actually more interested in picking up your flawed reasoning than champion for women's rights. Generally, you'd get a D- if you were in my critical thinking and writing class =P

On another note, enjoy your term! ;-) (oi, what happened to the program? Mine was submitted AND graded already)
1. You don't see how one argument supports the other.

Which arguments? Maybe I'm sleepy, but I only see one. And there's nothing wrong with generalizing, it's a valid scientific method. Note that I'm talking about the majority of women, not all of them.

2. I remember my dear friend Lyn left for Oz on her own, while *someone* was accompanied by his mom.

That was my mum's process of letting go, not my request. Not that I don't appreciate the gesture.

3. What happened to the program?

I got bored, and since you said your code worked anyway... =P

4. Whaddaya have against me? =(
Which arguments? Maybe I'm sleepy, but I only see one. And there's nothing wrong with generalizing, it's a valid scientific method. Note that I'm talking about the majority of women, not all of them.

You talked about equality, and then tried to substantiate your point using "knight-in-shining-armour". However you didn't establish the relevance between the two.

As I see it, the fight for gender equality is a call for equal rights, equal opportunities and liberties, not to be confused with stereotypical romantic fantasies, which I believe is common among males and females alike.

Also, I reread your post, I see no mention of "majority of women".

4. Whaddaya have against me? =(

Haha, nothing! Isn't there space for discussion/expression of opinion in your blog?? But, what do you have against women?
I was just teasing you =P. And I have nothing against women either... I just can't pass up the chance to annoy half the worlds population with one comment. LOL.
that is assuming the whole world reads your post.
nothing wrong with generalizing, it's a valid scientific method

eh I can't believe a comp scientist would say this!
Apparently I was sleepy when I posted my previous comment, because I managed to overlook all but the last sentence of your comment. And I think I'll need to rework my blog comments page for easier viewing.. >.<

Anyway, there is a relevance between equality and knights, be they in shining or rusted armour. The connection being that if we're treating them as equals, then we can't very well still sweep them of their feet, can we?

As for the majority of women thingy... thats implicit. There's always an exception somewhere.

that is assuming the whole world reads your post.

Well, the fact that I'll annoy half my readers at one go is tempting enough. =P

eh I can't believe a comp scientist would say this!

Computers utilise brute force, we human controllers are supposed to be smarter and come up with less computing-intensive solutions
Hmmmm... maybe its cos we want a knight-shinning-armour but most (ok maybe nearly all) guys are not like that... :P . So a girl's got to be tough and take care of herself. Therefore since we do take care of ourselves just as you male species take care of your own self... WE DEMAND EQUALITY!!! (except when footing the bill..muahahaha
Except when footing the bill... yes... when are the genders gonna be equal enough that I can get somebody to foot the bill for me ?
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