Tuesday, January 17, 2006

7:40 pm

Friends Drift Away

Over the years, I've known many people, had many friends. Some were little more than acquaintances, others became close friends. Many have since drifted away. Mostly because of sheer neglect. From both sides, usually. Environments change, locations change, and childhood friends who we see everyday are no longer so easy to contact. Contact details change, and we don't bother informing others because we haven't stayed in touch for so long. We refuse to admit that we've been neglecting the friendship, and eventually we lose touch altogether. We form new friendships, and the cycle begins anew. Eventually, we realise that our friendships are impermanent. That none of our friends truly, truly know us inside. That, in this modern era of instant communication, we are alone, isolated. Where our parents would have written long letters to keep in touch, we use electronic chat programs to say 'hi'. And we let it go at that. That's not communication, that's being a polite stranger.

As always, there are exceptions. There are friendships which survive the times, and grow, and strengthen, with age. To these people, I salute them for taking the effort to keep in touch, and not the easy way out. Bravo.

This wasn't the original intention of my post. I had in mind a few close friends, who have recently been drifting away, despite my best efforts to keep us together. As I started writing, however, I realised that I have been guilty of the same mistakes as them. I've done my share of neglecting. Some of those friendships would have ended anyway, I have learnt that it simply isn't possible to keep one going without the interest of both parties involved. Some of the others, I am probably at fault. To those I neglected, my apologies. To those whom are drifting away again, my best wishes. To all of you, if you think of me someday, and want to get back in touch, I will be more than willing to continue and pick up where we left off.


Enlightening. I thought of the same thing, my question is: Is it worth keeping all the people we met as friends? I just got to know two of my classmates better today, I'm certainly happy, and those are the friendships I hope will develop and will last. Then on the other hand, I have seen (I musn't use the word "know" here, it is very imprecise) some people, and do not wish to see their faces again. I'm so evil.
Well, I never argued for keeping in touch with everybody. At least, I didn't intend to. What I meant was those who we come to know well, but slowly lose touch with.
Fuiyo.. Ok, I don't really know you that well, and you, me. so don't mind me. Hmph. Pi lah!

No comment. Did you forget your daily dose of origami or something? Either that or Lyn's sharing her PMS with you.
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